Siinqee Bank, the Formal Oromia Credit & Saving, is among the first microfinance institutions (MFIs) to grow it self to banking institution after the central bank of Ethiopia allowed MFIs to evolve into full-fledged banks.
Siinqee had its transformation on May 2021 with 22 shareholders and a paid-up capital of 4.4 billion birr. Which the shareholders manages to rise in to 7.45 billion birr. The bank pursuits values like integrated, inclusive, and innovative banking and microfinance services so that women possess it in the society.
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Siinqee Bank call for Written Exam IT Candidates selected Fresh Graduates.
IT candidates
Date: 25 August 2023
Venue: Kazanchis, Siinqee Bank Head Office ( ODA Tower)
-You are required to bring your ID card
-Mobile phone is strictly prohibited